Essential Guide for Freelance Working Mums in the UK

Freelance working mums

Freelance working mums in the UK face unique challenges but can thrive through effective planning and support. With 75.6% of mothers working, managing time, building a support network, and financial planning are crucial. This guide provides strategies for navigating childcare costs and maintaining productivity, ensuring success in both professional and family life.

Translation Project Management: A Day in the Life of

Translation Project Management

Read more about a day in the life of a translation project management professional, highlighting daily routines, task prioritisation, client interactions, and the importance of inclusive communication. This post emphasises using tools like a Project Management Template and outlines core competencies and challenges faced in the industry, promoting effective strategies for success.

Gender-Inclusive Translation in Business and its Benefits

Gender-Inclusive Translation in Business

Nowadays, gender-inclusive translation is no longer a linguistic choice – it’s a business imperative. Organisations strive to communicate with diverse audiences worldwide. The way we translate content can either build bridges or create barriers. Let’s explore how to master gender-inclusive translation in business as a communication tool. The Power of Inclusive Translation in Business The […]

Feminist Translation Theories and Solutions

Feminist translation theory and solutions

Feminist translation strategies can be combined along the translation depending on a series of circumstances and objectives, or we can select just one, but in that case, it is important to be consistent.

What is Pinkwashing and How to Detect It?

What is Pinkwashing and How to Detect It?

According to the portal Human Rights Careers, “Pinkwashing is the strategic use of LGBTQ+ rights or imagery to project a progressive and inclusive image, often to deflect criticism or enhance reputations without committing to genuine support for the LGBTQ+ community.”

The Importance of Inclusion in Health Care

Importance of inclusion in health care

In Europe, where football is almost as important as politics and religion, there is a troubling link between domestic abuse and football. Behind the roar of the crowds and the chants of devoted fans lies a darker reality: a connection between the world’s most popular sport and the alarming rise in domestic abuse. This article aims to bring attention to the complex and often taboo subject of domestic abuse within the context of football culture. We intend not to demonise football, but to raise awareness, promote understanding, and advocate for change.

The Crucial Role of Interpreting Services in the NHS

The Crucial Role of Interpreting Services in the NHS

The National Health Service (NHS) in the UK is key in guaranteeing everyone’s well-being, and to making sure that patients with limited English skills can communicate fluently with the medical staff, interpreting services are crucial.

The best tools for translation projects

The best tools for translation projects

Looking for the best tools for your translation projects? This list of the top tools that will help you translate documents with ease and even save up money in the long run. 

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