Human translation: Language barriers, authenticity, and precision

Human translation

In a world where global communication is key, human translation is crucial for overcoming language barriers with authenticity and precision. Human translators ensure culturally and contextually accurate translations, which automated tools often miss, by understanding the nuances and regional dialects of language. This is particularly important in industries like healthcare, finance, and legal services, where precision and cultural sensitivity are essential. Professional human translators, who specialize in various fields and update their skills continuously, offer high-quality, reliable translations that foster understanding and connections across different cultures.

The price of translation jobs

Price for translation - blog post

Many clients often ask us what’s the price for translation jobs, and we will gladly answer this question, but, as it’s not as simple as calculating 2+2, we want to explain exactly where do the numbers come from.

Focus session: Inclusive language

Focus session: Inclusive language within the translation industry

According to APS, “Focus sessions are sessions based on a topic identified well ahead of time and for which a focus topic sorting category is assigned.”

The event lasted 90 minutes, and during that time we discussed how linguists can help companies address people so that they feel more represented by the messages they receive.

Speaking at the event KTLC 2022

KTLC 2022

Do you know what being part of a hybrid event is like? This is the perfect timing! We took part in KTLC 2022, and we talk about it here!

Event KTLC 2021: The Gap Year

Participation at KTLC2021

In 2021, I took part in the conference KTLC 2021, that took place completely online due to Covid-19. Allow me to introduce you to this event!

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